Piston Rings

      Types of Piston Rings

      Materials and Coating
      Piston Ring Gap

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R- Rings

piston ring gap

The piston ring gap comes in various types depending on its intended application. The most common type is the Butt Gap. On the other hand, Angle and Overlapped Gaps are only practical for compressors and hydraulic applications. These gaps do not offer any sealing advantage in automobiles or commercial vehicle engines. The Angle Cut Gaps (left or right) and Overlap Gap (step gap) are ideal for enhanced sealing performance. These gaps are commonly used in hydraulic and other applications

Another type of gap is the Hook Gap, which does not provide additional sealing properties. However, it facilitates assembly and is useful in automatic automotive transmissions. This type of gap is applied in piston rings that seal against hydraulic pressure.

Kolben ring India manufactures various piston ring gaps for clients, including the Butt Gap, Angle Cut Gaps, Overlap Gap, and Hook Gap.

Kolbren ring India regularly manufactures the following Piston Ring Gaps for our clients

Butt Gap
Butt Gap is the most practical and economical of all ring gaps. It is also the most widely-used and recommended gap for most applications. This gap has very good leakage control.

Angle Gaps
Angle gaps are widely used in most modern 2-stroke diesel engines. Piston rings with these gaps are similar in function to Rings with Butt Gap. However, an Angle Gap decreases the tendency to score at the gap.

Tite Gaps
Tite Gaps are sometimes applied to snap rings so that they can be easily removed from the groove.

Overlap Gaps (Step Gap)
Overlap Gap is used to prevent a direct flow path between the piston and cylinder. This type of gap is used when one wants to prevent gas passing through it. This type of gap is not fully gastight

Hook Gaps
Hook Gaps have no additional sealing effect than other types of gaps. This type of gap limits free expansion and is mainly used in hydraulic applications. This type of gap is also used in R-Rings used in steel casters.

Angle Step Gap
This is the only type of gap that is completely gas-tight. It has tighter leakage control than any other single ring Angle-Step Gap is mainly used in large-diameter piston rings

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